In a tragic turn of events, over 600 Egyptian pilgrims have lost their lives during this year’s Hajj pilgrimage due to extreme heat conditions in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. An Arab diplomat told AFP on Wednesday that the death toll among Egyptians has risen sharply, citing searing temperatures that soared to 51.8 degrees Celsius on Monday.
“All of the newly confirmed deaths were because of the heat as well,” the diplomat stated, highlighting the severity of the conditions that pilgrims faced. Earlier reports had indicated at least 323 Egyptian deaths, but the latest figures reveal a significant increase.
This year’s Hajj pilgrimage, one of the largest annual gatherings in the world, saw approximately 1.8 million people from various nationalities converge on Islam’s holiest city. The pilgrimage coincided with an unprecedented heatwave, making the spiritual journey particularly arduous for many.
Other nationalities have also been affected by the extreme weather. On Wednesday, a diplomat in Saudi Arabia confirmed that 68 Indian nationals were among the deceased. Additionally, Russia’s TASS news agency reported the deaths of four Russian pilgrims. The Tunisian Foreign Ministry announced on Tuesday that at least 35 Tunisian pilgrims had died during the Hajj.
The combination of overwhelming crowds and relentless heat has raised concerns about the safety measures in place to protect pilgrims during such extreme weather conditions. Authorities are being urged to implement additional precautions to prevent similar tragedies in the future.
The Hajj pilgrimage is a profound spiritual obligation for Muslims who are physically and financially capable, intended to be performed at least once in a lifetime. This year’s events have cast a somber tone over the ritual, as families and communities mourn the loss of their loved ones.