In an unexpected turn of events, NASA inadvertently broadcasted a simulation involving astronauts receiving medical treatment for decompression sickness aboard the International Space Station (ISS), sparking emergency concerns across social media platforms.
On Wednesday at approximately 5:28 p.m., audio from NASA’s live YouTube channel suggested that a crew member was exhibiting symptoms consistent with decompression sickness (DCS). This audio led many space enthusiasts and observers to speculate about a possible real-time emergency unfolding on the ISS.
Social media channels lit up with posts warning of a serious incident. However, NASA quickly addressed the situation to quell the rising alarm. According to an official statement from the ISS X account, “There is no emergency situation going on aboard the International Space Station. This audio was inadvertently misrouted from an ongoing simulation where crew members and ground teams train for various scenarios in space.”
The agency clarified that the crew members were in their scheduled sleep period during the time of the incident and remained “healthy and safe.” NASA confirmed that the planned spacewalk scheduled for the following morning at 8 a.m. would proceed as planned.
Decompression sickness, commonly known as “the bends,” occurs when dissolved gases come out of solution in bubbles inside the body due to rapid pressure changes, such as ascending too quickly while scuba diving. Symptoms can include joint pain, dizziness, breathing difficulties, and can be potentially life-threatening if not treated promptly.
SpaceX, whose Crew Dragon spacecraft is currently docked at the ISS, also reassured the public. In a statement on X, they noted, “This was only a test. The crew training in Hawthorne is safe and healthy, as is the Dragon spacecraft docked to the space station.”
The incident highlights the importance of simulations and training exercises for astronauts and ground teams to prepare for potential emergencies in space. It also underscores the swift spread of information—and misinformation—on social media, emphasizing the need for prompt official communication in such situations.
NASA says no emergency on ISS after simulation audio sparks concerns