In the heart of east China’s Jiangxi Province, the elusive tawny fish owl has been captured exhibiting its remarkable fishing skills within a nature reserve in Jiujiang. With their wide yellow eyes and distinctive sideways-drooping ear tufts, these nationally-protected endangered birds have formed a small but thriving community, adding a new chapter to the region’s rich biodiversity.
During March, observers were delighted to witness around a dozen tawny fish owls engaged in their natural hunting activities. Primarily nocturnal hunters, they are most active in the late afternoon and dusk, expertly preying on fish, rodents, insects, snakes, frogs, lizards, crabs, and even other birds. Their exceptional fishing techniques highlight their adaptability and vital role in the ecosystem.
While their nights are filled with vibrant hunting pursuits, the tawny fish owls spend their days in quiet repose. Often found perched motionless amid the foliage of tall trees, they resemble silent statues, conserving energy for their evening endeavors. This duality of their existence underscores the delicate balance of nature within the reserve.
The presence of the tawny fish owl community within the Jiujiang nature reserve is a testament to the successful conservation efforts in the region. By providing a protected habitat, the reserve allows these majestic birds to thrive, offering hope for the preservation of other endangered species across China and Asia.