Nestled in the southern reaches of China’s Hainan Province lies Qixianling, also known as the Seven Fairy-Lady Mountain. This enchanting destination, situated in Baoting Li and Miao Autonomous County, beckons travelers with its breathtaking natural beauty and rich cultural heritage.
Qixianling National Park, officially designated as a national-level forest park in 1998, is renowned for its soothing hot springs, unique mountainous ridges, and lush tropical rainforest. The park offers a serene escape into nature, where visitors can immerse themselves in the tranquil surroundings and explore the diverse ecosystem that thrives within.
The mountain’s name, Seven Fairy-Lady Mountain, originates from local folklore and adds a layer of mystique to the landscape. The area is not only a haven for nature enthusiasts but also a window into the traditions of the Li and Miao ethnic groups who inhabit the region. Their vibrant cultures and customs enrich the experience of visiting Qixianling, making it a destination that appeals to both the adventurous and the culturally curious.
Whether it’s hiking through verdant trails, soaking in natural hot springs, or learning about indigenous cultures, Qixianling offers a multifaceted experience that captures the essence of Hainan’s natural and cultural wonders.