A beloved family of giant pandas has embarked on a journey from Spain’s Madrid Zoo to their new home in China’s southwestern Sichuan Province. The panda couple, Bing Xing and Hua Zui Ba, along with their three cubs—Chulina, You You, and Jiu Jiu—are set to reside at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding upon arrival. Bing Xing and Hua Zui Ba arrived in Madrid in 2007 as part of a conservation collaboration between China and Spain. During their stay, they contributed significantly to the global giant panda population, giving birth to six cubs, with the three eldest already returned to China in previous years. Chulina, born in 2016, and the twin cubs, You You and Jiu Jiu, born in 2021, were all born at the Madrid Zoo and have captured the hearts of visitors from around the world. The return of the pandas marks a significant moment in international conservation efforts and highlights the ongoing partnership between China and Spain in the preservation of this endangered species. The Chengdu Research Base is renowned for its dedication to panda research and breeding, offering the family an optimal environment to thrive. Zoo officials and visitors bid an emotional farewell to the panda family, celebrating their contributions to conservation and the joy they brought to countless guests. The pandas’ departure underscores the importance of international cooperation in wildlife conservation and the shared responsibility of nurturing and protecting endangered species. As the pandas settle into their new home, researchers and conservationists are hopeful that Bing Xing and Hua Zui Ba will continue to contribute to the growth of the giant panda population, fostering greater understanding and appreciation for these cherished animals.