Global Temperatures Exceed 1.5°C Above Pre-Industrial Levels for First Time in 12-Month Span

Global Temperatures Exceed 1.5°C Above Pre-Industrial Levels for First Time in 12-Month Span

In a stark reminder of the escalating climate crisis, Earth’s average temperatures have surpassed 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels for a continuous 12-month period for the first time on record, according to the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S). This milestone, stretching from February 2023 to January 2024, marks a significant and alarming moment in the planet’s warming trend.

The unprecedented surge in global temperatures has been fueled by the combined effects of human-induced climate change and the natural El Niño phenomenon, which has intensified weather extremes worldwide. From devastating storms and relentless droughts to widespread wildfires, the impacts have been felt across continents, with Asia experiencing some of the most severe consequences.

Johan Rockström, director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, emphasized the gravity of this development. “We are touching 1.5 degrees Celsius and we see the cost, the social costs and economic costs,” he said. “1.5 is a very big number and it hurts us really badly in terms of heat waves, droughts, floods, reinforced storms, water scarcity across the entire world. That is what 2023 has taught us.”

While this 12-month period above the 1.5°C threshold does not constitute a permanent breach of the Paris Agreement’s critical limit—which aims to keep global warming well below 2°C and pursue efforts to limit it to 1.5°C—it serves as a sobering indicator of the urgent need for action. Scientists caution that sustained temperatures above this level, measured over decades rather than months, could lead to irreversible damage to ecosystems and human societies.

The Asian region, home to a significant portion of the world’s population and economic activity, faces unique challenges. Rising temperatures threaten agricultural productivity, water resources, and the livelihoods of millions. Businesses and investors are urged to consider the risks and opportunities presented by climate change, as policies and market dynamics shift towards sustainability.

This development calls for a collective response from governments, industries, and communities. Accelerating the transition to renewable energy, enhancing climate resilience, and adopting sustainable practices are crucial steps in mitigating the impacts and safeguarding the future.

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