Harbin, known as China’s ‘Snow City’, has unveiled a colossal ‘Truant Penguin’ snow sculpture on the south square of the Harbin Grand Theatre. Standing at an impressive 20 meters tall, 15 meters in length, and 18 meters in width, this new landmark debuted on Friday, capturing the attention of locals and tourists alike.
The ‘Truant Penguins’ are beloved symbols of Harbin, often seen at the city’s Polarland amusement park sporting little backpacks, reminiscent of mischievous schoolchildren. These charming ambassadors have now been immortalized in snow, adding a playful touch to the city’s renowned winter attractions.
The arrival of the giant sculpture was celebrated by the original ‘Truant Penguins’, who visited their larger counterpart in a show of support. This blending of art and nature highlights Harbin’s commitment to celebrating its unique cultural and environmental heritage.
The massive snow sculpture is expected to draw visitors from around the globe, enhancing Harbin’s reputation as a premier destination for winter tourism. With its intricate design and monumental scale, the ‘Truant Penguin’ snow sculpture embodies the city’s creative spirit and its deep connection to the snowy landscape.