Former Philippine President Arroyo Praises China’s Role in Global Development

Former Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo has highlighted China’s remarkable economic transformation since its reform and opening up in 1978, describing it as “breathtaking” and emphasizing China’s role as a partner in global development.

Reflecting on her first visits to China in 1977 and 1978, Arroyo recalled witnessing the early stages of China’s ambitious plans for modernization. “Between those two first trips of mine to China, at the National Conference on Science, Deng Xiaoping declared that the key to the four modernizations is the modernization of science and technology,” she said.

Arroyo noted that in the 1980s, the term “dragon economy” emerged to describe China’s burgeoning economic miracle. At the time, she wondered if China would become a chief competitor to other developing countries like the Philippines. “Little did I realize then that China was in a class of its own,” she remarked. “Rather than a competitor, China has proven to be a partner in development; it is a market for developing countries, a donor, and a provider of capital and technology.”

Identifying the keys to China’s success over the past four decades, Arroyo cited four main factors: a long-term vision, a strong will to implement that vision, recognition of the value of infrastructure, and an emphasis on state-of-the-art technology.

She also highlighted the goals set forth at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, where President Xi Jinping outlined objectives for 2035, including significantly increasing scientific and technological capabilities and becoming a leading country in science and technology. “China is setting a new growth model in the increasing complexity and acceleration of change in the entire world system,” Arroyo stated.

Emphasizing the importance of cooperation in this new era, Arroyo underscored the significance of the relationship between the Philippines and China. “The world is indeed in a new era, and this new era calls for a new journey and new cooperation. In this new cooperation, the relationship between the Philippines and China is more important than ever for my country,” she said.

Concluding her remarks, she echoed President Xi’s message to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) CEO Summit: “We need to embrace the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation; accelerate scientific, technological and institutional innovation; foster new economy, new types of business and new business models; and achieve digital transformation.”

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