The Vital Role of Women in Preserving Asia's Agrobiodiversity video poster

The Vital Role of Women in Preserving Asia’s Agrobiodiversity

In Asia’s rapidly modernizing agricultural landscape, the shift towards high-yielding crop varieties has led to a decline in local species that are well-adapted to their native climates and environments. This loss of agrobiodiversity poses significant risks to the environment, food security, and cultural heritage.

Agrobiodiversity—the variety and variability of plant and animal species used in agriculture—is crucial for resilient farming systems. It ensures that crops can withstand pests, diseases, and changing climate conditions. The erosion of this biodiversity makes agricultural systems more vulnerable to shocks and stresses.

Reversing the loss of agrobiodiversity requires concerted efforts to promote the cultivation of traditional crop varieties and practices that support ecological balance. This involves policy support, awareness campaigns, and community engagement.

Women, often the primary custodians of traditional knowledge in agriculture, play a pivotal role in conserving agrobiodiversity. Their expertise in seed selection, crop management, and sustainable practices is invaluable. Empowering women farmers and recognizing their contributions can significantly enhance biodiversity conservation efforts.

Dr. Zhang Linxiu, director of the UN Environment Programme – International Ecosystem Management Partnership, emphasizes the importance of leveraging women’s knowledge to promote sustainable agricultural practices. She highlights that supporting women in agriculture not only benefits biodiversity but also strengthens community resilience.

By recognizing and harnessing the ‘She-Power’ behind agrobiodiversity, Asia can work towards a more sustainable and resilient agricultural future. It is essential to involve women in policymaking and provide them with resources and training to sustain and enhance their crucial role in agriculture.

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