UN Global Compact CEO Highlights Private Sector’s Role in Belt and Road Initiative

The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), marking its decade of global collaboration, is witnessing a significant contribution from private enterprises. Their involvement is pivotal in ensuring the long-term sustainability, dynamism, and effectiveness of the BRI within the global community.

In a recent livestream event, CGTN’s Guan Xin interviewed Sanda Ojiambo, Assistant Secretary-General and CEO of the UN Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative. They explored the crucial role of businesses participating in the BRI and their potential to drive innovation, stimulate economic growth, and facilitate sustainable infrastructure development.

Ojiambo emphasized that the private sector, both within and outside China, plays an essential role in advancing the BRI’s objectives. “Businesses are at the forefront of innovation and investment,” she noted. “Their engagement is critical for building sustainable and resilient economies along the Belt and Road.”

The UN Global Compact encourages companies to align their strategies with universal principles on human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. Ojiambo highlighted that integrating these principles within BRI projects can enhance their impact and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals.

The discussion also addressed how private enterprises can leverage opportunities presented by the BRI to expand their global outreach and foster cross-border collaboration. “The BRI offers a platform for businesses to connect with new markets and partners,” Ojiambo said. “It’s about creating shared value and promoting inclusive growth.”

As the BRI enters its second decade, the partnership between private enterprises and global initiatives like the UN Global Compact is expected to strengthen, driving forward a vision of shared prosperity and sustainable development.

The insights from this conversation underscore the significant role that businesses play in shaping the future of international cooperation and development under the Belt and Road Initiative.

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