Three adventurers have embarked on an epic winter expedition, journeying from the mysterious Changbai Mountains in northeast China to the majestic Alps in Europe. This thrilling adventure showcases the unifying power of snowboarding across cultures and continents.
In Jilin City, nestled in China’s Jilin Province, Chinese national snowboarding team coach Nino de Silvestri faces off against the formidable winter snow drifts. As he navigates the powdery slopes of the Changbai Mountains, he not only tests his skills but also immerses himself in the region’s abundant natural beauty and resources.
Meanwhile, in Savoie, France, top Chinese professional snowboarder Wang Lei takes the plunge—quite literally—as he dives into a frozen lake in Tignes. Beyond the adrenaline rush, Wang Lei experiences the warmth and hospitality of the local community, highlighting the cultural exchanges that enrich such global adventures.
This expedition underscores the shared passion for snow sports that transcends borders, bringing together people from diverse backgrounds in the pursuit of adventure and camaraderie.