In late August 2022, the residents of Jackson, Mississippi, found themselves amid a severe water crisis after flooding damaged the city’s main water treatment facility. With nearly 83 percent of the city’s population being Black, the crisis has underscored longstanding issues of infrastructure neglect and systemic inequality.
According to NBC News, Jackson’s water crisis stems from years of underinvestment and exploitation, highlighting America’s deep-rooted racial disparities. The city’s water infrastructure problems, some of which date back over a century, have led to frequent crises, leaving residents without reliable access to safe drinking water.
CGTN Global Stringer visited Jackson, where local residents shared their experiences of living with “toxic water” containing high levels of lead. They also spoke of closed schools due to lack of funding, crumbling infrastructure, chronic neglect, and unfair treatment. Margaret Simons, a resident of Jackson, described the city as being “in a shambles.”
“We have been enduring this for years,” said Simons. “Our children can’t go to school, our water isn’t safe to drink, and it feels like no one is listening.”
The crisis in Jackson is a stark reminder of the challenges faced by marginalized communities in accessing basic services. It has sparked discussions on the need for equitable infrastructure investment and the importance of addressing systemic issues that disproportionately affect communities of color.
As the residents of Jackson continue to navigate these challenges, their stories shed light on broader issues of infrastructure neglect and social inequality, prompting calls for urgent action and sustainable solutions.