Malaysian student Yew Jing Yee, also known as Jolin, has embarked on an educational journey that transcends borders and cultures. Studying electronics at Tsinghua University in Beijing, she is immersing herself in the rich tapestry of Chinese culture that has long captivated her.
As a Chinese Malaysian, Yew had always felt a connection to China. Her fascination with the nation began during her participation in the Tsinghua University International Excellent High School Student Summer Program. The program exposed her to the hospitality of the Chinese people, the depth of Chinese culture, and the vastness of the country’s landscapes.
“The diverse and profound Chinese culture truly amazed me,” Yew recalls. “The warmth of the people and the expansive beauty of China strengthened my desire to study here.”
Now, as an electronics major at one of China’s most prestigious universities, Yew is not only pursuing her academic goals but also fostering a deeper understanding of her cultural heritage.
Looking ahead, Yew aspires to contribute to the growing cooperation between China and Malaysia. “I hope to use my professional knowledge in electronics to bridge our two countries,” she says.
Yew’s journey exemplifies the increasing global connections in education and culture. Her story reflects the opportunities available to students eager to explore new horizons and make meaningful contributions on an international scale.